I'd like to improve my English!
詳細情報 (No. 43801)
月額/金額 | 15,000円 |
住所 | 京都府
京都市 下京区 七条御所ノ内中町54
共用 | 炊飯器/電子レンジ/オーブン/シャワートイレ/バスタブ/掃除機/アイロン/テレビ/DVDプレイヤー/ケーブルテレビ |
個人・部屋設備 | エアコン/インターネット/ベランダ/フローリング |
立地 | 駅10分以内/コンビニ至近 |
建物 | マンション/オートロック/いつでもゴミ出し可/エレベーター |
費用 | 光熱費込み |
掃除 | 掃除は気づいた人がやる |
ルール | 禁煙/友人宿泊禁止/異性宿泊禁止/家族宿泊禁止 |
入居条件 | 要身分証明書/短期可 |
対応可能な外国語 | 英語可 |
Hi! My name is Hiroto.
I'm 25 years old and an engineer working in Kyoto.
I have been studying English seriously for 8 months.
But I'm still not able to speak English well.
I'd like to improve my English conversation skill.
So would you like to share my room?
On August 8, I'll move to more spacious room (1LDK) than the room
where I live now.
The reason why I decided to move is in order to make a training room
instead of not being able to go to gym because of the Novel Corona-
So I can't give you a private room but please use my training room
Also I occasionally work from home, though I typically go to
company to work in the daytime.
For that time, please feel free to use my room, but take care of
yourself about coronavirus when going out.
The detailed terms are as below.
・woman only.
・19~26 years old and from English-speaking countries.
(a college student or a office worker OK!)
・a person who can refrain to go out on a holiday as voluntarily
as possible for prevailing the Novel Corona-virus.
・I provide a sofa or empty space of the training room as your
sleeping space. please prepare your sleeping bag or futon.
I don't interfere with your privacy if you hope.
Though, please become my English-speaking partner if you feel like it.
Below is the link of mansion where I'll move to.
Also the attached picture is a floor plan that I expect.
Let's share the room if there is no problem in listening ever.
If you have any questions, please feel free to talk.
If you want to see my face, let's talk by using 'discord'.
Thank you.
不具合や改善のご提案等は support@roommate.jp までお寄せください