Looking for a room mate who is native English speaker
詳細情報 (No. 42749)
月額/金額 | 30,000円 |
住所 | 東京都
大田区 Keikyu Kamata - Tenkubashi
ルール | 禁煙/仕事場利用可/友人宿泊可/異性宿泊可/家族宿泊可 |
入居条件 | 二人可 |
対応可能な外国語 | 英語可 |
Hi. I am 30 year old man who is working near the Tokyo international airport.
I'm looking for a room mate who is native English speaker.
The reason why I'm looking for is I have to improve my English in a few years.
As for my English, I speak at a level good enough to survive in a foreign countries I guess...
Because I have studied abroad for about 1 year.
I hope we'll move to around Tenkubashi to Keikyu Kamata. Moving date will be July to September. Other than these, I have fixed nothing.
Anyway if you are interested in, feel free to contact me please. Thank you.
不具合や改善のご提案等は support@roommate.jp までお寄せください